25207 Elk Lick Rd South Riding, VA 20152

Welcome to Christ Church

Come Worship in the Anglican Tradition
Sundays at 10am

meeting at
Iglesia Lluvias De Gracia
25207 Elk Lick Rd
South Riding, VA 20152

Get to know us by being our guest.

Our weekly worship is a blend of both traditional and contemporary music, the reading of God’s Word, preaching, corporate prayer, and Holy Communion in a casual setting.

Become known by serving with us.

We support the community through the Dulles South Food Pantry and Dulles Closet, and have opportunites for service throughout our Sunday worship.

Study to know and serve God better.

We are intentional in deepening our understanding of God through Bible Studies, Seasonal Activities, Prayer Meetings, and Small Groups.


Connecting lives throughout the South Riding community and beyond.


Daily prayers, congregational prayers, Prayer Team prayers, confidential prayers and prayer training helps us maintain our focus on God throughout all our efforts.


We work throughout South Riding and the neighboring communities to meet needs and love our neighbors. In this picture we are packing goodie bags of treats for folks who are working Christmas Eve.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Join us as we study God’s Plan of Redemption Through History. This is a great study that explores God’s plan of salvation in the Old Testament and how it points to Christ. We meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for a meal, discussion runs from 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm.

Saturday Morning Bible Study

Members of the parish meet virtually every Saturday at 7am to share life together and study the Word. Contact the church for access information.

Coffee Hour

Coffee hour follows service the 4th Sunday of the month. Be sure to sign up to provide doughnuts or set up coffee for coffee hour.

COVID Protocols

At communion we offer hosts and the cup for intinction, with pre-packaged communion elements as another option. The celebrant will be masked when behind the altar until after communion, and those who set up or administer the elements will be masked and use hand gel.

What We Believe

We affirm our belief in historic Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures and summarized in the three Creeds (Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian) and the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. We recognize the need for reaffirming the following beliefs:

The Holy Trinity

The one God exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and has so revealed Himself to us in Scripture.

The Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate and fully human, is, by reasons of His birth of the Virgin Mary, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, glorious ascension and triumphant reign, the only Mediator between God and man.

The Holy Scriptures

The canonical books of the Old and New Testaments are trustworthy as “God’s Word written,” sufficiently teach God’s will for His world, and have supreme authority for faith, life, and the continuous renewal and reform of the Church. They are inspired, infallible, and “contain all things necessary for salvation.”

Justification and Sanctification

Repenting and believing sinners are justified through faith alone by God’s gracious act of declaring us righteous on the grounds of the reconciling death of Christ, who suffered in our place and rose again for us; and sanctified by the gracious, continuing activity of the Holy Spirit who perfects our repentance, nurtures the new life implanted within us, transforms us into Christ’s image, and enables us to do good works in the world.

The Christian Church

The Church is the Body of Christ. Its members belong to Christ’s new humanity and are called and sent to live in the world in the power of the Spirit, worshipping God, confessing His truth, proclaiming the Good News of Christ, supporting one another in love, and giving themselves in sacrificial service to others, especially those in need. Its great mission is to make disciples of all nations and peoples.

Spiritual Gifts and Ministry

All Christians are called to exercise their God-given gifts to work, witness and suffer for Christ. The particular call of ordained ministers is to preach, teach and provide leadership and pastoral care to equip God’s people for His service and present them mature in Christ

The Gospel Sacraments

The sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace given to us and ordained by Christ himself as means by which we receive such grace and pledges to assure us of it.

The Return of Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ will personally return in glory at the end of this age for the resurrection of the dead, some to life and some to condemnation, for the glorification of His Church and for the renewal of the whole Creation.

Get in touch

Worship Address:

25207 Elk Lick Rd
South Riding, VA  20152

Mailing Address:

25050 Riding Plaza
Suite 130-245
South Riding, VA  20152



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